The Idea
When you launch a giant-killer in the
ultra-competitive world of laptops you
want to make sure everyone knows
about it. The super-fast, lightest-ever,
C-Suite worthy Latitude Z will have
anyone who loves their technology
clicking this bad boy right into their
shopping cart. The approach was to
create a campaign consisting of a web
video, full-page newspaper ads,
out-of-home and web banners to get
the message out. Using the line
“Think Wide, Work Thin” to play up
the point that it’s the “Thinnest, Lightest
16” laptop in the world (well for the time
being anyway). Some of the other
amazing features like Dell FaceAware,
a security feature that lets only the
owner use it and a wireless charging
stand that makes it easy to use and
charge without dealing with cords.
What Happened
With the campaign launch hitting with
such frequency, the flurry of initial
reviews came in fast and furious.
The Latitude Z took on a bit of cult
status due to the fact that there were
so many amazing features never seen
before, combined with a gorgeous,
sleek case design. Once it made its
way to CES the chatter was non-stop.
Definitely not your run of the mill
Dell laptop. The real result was a very
happy client.